Registering Your Player

Before accessing advanced features like tribe log linking, you must register your player with SupremeArk.

Steps to Register:

In-Game Registration

  • Hold R on your keyboard (PC) or X/Square (Console) to open the Radial Wheel.
  • Click ASA Bot.
  • Select Register Player.

Confirming Registration

  • Return to SupremeArk Discord and type:
  • Enter the code that was provided in-game.
  • Make sure your player is registered before proceeding.

Link Your Tribe Logs to Discord

You can now receive tribe logs directly in your own Discord server! Follow these simple steps:

Set Up a Webhook in Your Discord Server

  • Create or choose a channel where you want the logs.

Right-click the channelEdit ChannelIntegrations.
Create Webhook.

Click the new webhookName it anything you like.
Click Copy Webhook URLSave Changes.

Link It to SupremeArk

In any SupremeArk Discord text channel, type:

Select the map which you want to see tribe logs from.
Paste your Webhook URL.

Done! Your tribe logs will now be sent to the specified Discord channel.

Enjoy your time on SupremeArk!


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